

Altruism: students' social perceptions and practices

Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
In the conditions of systemic transformations of modern society, increasing dynamism of social life, there are changes in the perceptions and real practices of the young generation, including students. ...

Blogger through the eyes of a Moscow student: the image of the profession

Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
Recently, Russia has seen not only a rapid increase in the popularity of blogging, but also clear trends towards its professionalization. The interest in blogging among young people is ...

Social adaptation of Chinese students in Russia as a managerial problem

Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
At the present time, there is an increasing need to study modern concepts of adaptation of foreign students in Russia due to the growing number of foreign students in ...

Communication of students with local governments in social media

Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
Digital technologies, including in the field of communication between government bodies and the population, are actively used in the context of achieving the goal of digital transformation. Young people use ...

Social infrastructure as a factor in designing the social space of a megalopolis

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
In the modern world, there is an active concentration of the population in megacities. In addition to the growth of the economic component, the importance of social factors and elements ...

The model of public assessment of local authority

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Public assessment of authorities is an important part of socio-political processes. It unites the interests of the participants in the development of the local territory. The importance and significance of ...

Development of Obninsk second order agglomeration in the process of spatial diffusion of innovations

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Relevance. The article is devoted to Obninsk-Borovsk agglomeration, which has a unique border position. Administratively, it is located in the north-east of the Kaluga Region, but is an integral part of ...

Features of interethnic relations in multiethnic settlements
on the example of the Belgorod region)

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
The article is devoted to the urgent problem of interethnic relations, where there is both friendship and understanding, as well as conflicts and hostility. According to a sociological study conducted ...

Network approach in godparenthood studies: opportunities and limitation

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
This article is aimed at the review of socio-historical and anthropological studies of godparenthood or spiritual kinship, carried out using the methodology of network analysis. It describes the possibilities of ...

Ethno-confessional identification of a religious minority (on the example of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Russia)

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Based on different theoretical and methodological approaches and online survey data, the article, analyzes the process of ethno-confessional identification of members of the Seventh-day Christian Adventist Church of Russia (SDACR). ...

Factors of interethnic tension and conflicts in Russia

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
The article examines the socio-cultural factors of interethnic tension and their influence on the formation of interethnic relation on the example of the situation in the Republic of Dagestan. The ...

Professional career trajectories of research and pedagogical workers

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
The article discusses the problems of professional career trajectories of university teachers in the light of the implementation of the strategic goal of the national project “Science and Universities” ...

Career strategies of young people as a reflection of ambitions and competitive practices in professional activities

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
The article, based on the materials of empirical sociological research, reflects dispositions, factor models of choice, life strategies in the field of career strategies of modern youth. A typology ...

Relationship of HIV awareness with health-saving and risk behaviour attitudes of residents in the Moscow region

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
Relevance. This work is a logical continuation of research on HIV infection in the Moscow region in 2018-2021. The COVID-19 pandemic had highlighted the importance of an adequate understanding of threats to ...

Professional life strategies of disabled children as an indicator of the well-being of the region

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
Based on the results of a survey of parents of disabled children in the Belgorod region, the problems related to the professional life strategies of disabled children in the region ...

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the reproductive behaviour of the Russian population:
statistical and sociological analysis


Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
The relevance of the stated topic is related to the need to summarise the results of more than three years of coronavirus infection and assess its impact on current fertility trends The ...
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