Creative attitudes in the context of life and professional values of student youth:
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
The problem studied in the article is caused by the need to develop creative sectors of the Russian economy and generate innovative processes in all spheres of life, which ...
Podcasts in the information space of Moscow journalism students:
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in podcasting. Young people are becoming not only media consumers of this type of media, but also active producers ...
The article presents a generalized description of the semantic content of the concept “religion”, characterizing the everyday consciousness of students in the Russian regions. It is compared by a number ...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern Orthodox conservative mediatized discourse among student bloggers on the Telegram messenger platform. The relevance of the study lies in the ...
In the youth environment in transition conditions, processes related to the rethinking of life goals and ways of achieving them become more active. In social reality, deviant ways of achieving ...
The article raises the problem of the social expediency of an integrated approach to the tasks of urban and regional development. According to the author, such an approach should include ...
Cities, being demographically not self-sufficient, preserve themselves and grow due to migration flows. Large cities inevitably become spaces where modern ethnicity is constructed. The ethnicization of public urban space increases the possibility ...
The pertinence of studying the phenomenon of new (unconventional), religions and mystical teachings stems from a change in the religious landscape, which must be studied using new methodological and methodological ...
Methodological and methodical analysis of the correlation of religious and confessional self-identification
Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
The article is devoted to the urgent problem of studying religious and confessional self-identification of the population in the post-Soviet space. Using the results of mass sociological surveys among the ...
Reflection of religion by modern Russian youth: towards the formulation of secondary hypotheses
Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
The article is devoted to the study of a relatively little-studied component of the modern religious situation in terms of public consciousness – reflection of religion. The object of the ...
Buddhism is Japan’s second largest religion, right behind Shinto. It includes multiple traditions and movements, but in Japan, it was domesticated as Zen Buddhism. Buddhism also exists in China, and ...
The issues raised in the article do not lose their relevance due to the great ethnic heterogeneity of Russian society, due to both historical circumstances and current migration, globalization, and ...
The relevance of this article is justified by a number of global social changes that have occurred in the world and in Russia over the past 5 years. Modern ...
The transition of Russian industry to the sixth technological mode and the change of technological paradigms have created a mismatch between expectations and opportunities for modernisation of our industry ...
The adaptation of foreign students (including those of Muslim faith) and their studies in Tatarstan are inextricably linked. It should be borne in mind that, as a rule, the majority ...
The article discusses the features of social survival in the context of a regional conflict. The object of analysis is the socio-demographic groups of different nationalities and religions. The subject ...
In this study, we analyze the development of religious media on the example of France in the 19th and 21st centuries in order to show the complex structure and ...
The relevance of studying the phenomenon of new (non-traditional) religions and mystical teachings is due to changes in the religious landscape, which must be studied using new methodological developments ...
This article examines the empirical indicators of sociological research conducted in the Institute of Demographic Studies (IDS) of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in ...
The article focuses on the following problems: definition of the World in the process of transition from modernity to post-modernity; description of the specific traits of post-modern and post-secular; ...
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