The relevance of the stated research problem is determined by the special role of marital and family behavior of the population in ensuring the socio-demographic security of rural areas. Acting as ...
The article identifies and examines the challenges facing women in the IT labour market, utilising the Superjob digital job search and employment platform as a case study. The study is ...
State support and the role of volunteering in the life planning
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
The article reveals the role of volunteering in shaping the life plans of students in Russia and Belarus. Modern youth policy is aimed at actively and massively involving youth in various volunteer projects. Young people often get their first volunteer experience while studying at a university and it is important to understand how volunteering is included in the life plans of the most active youth groups – students. The purpose of this article is to determine the ...
The article raises the problems of public administration in the context of digitalization and new globalization, which the population faces when interacting with civil servants in the Republic of ...
Dysfunctions of youth policy design in Russian universities
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
The article analyzes the models of youth policy presented in the development programs of universities participating in the Priority 2030 Federal Project. The author considers the University as the most ...
According to experts, there will be a growing demand for hybrid and multidisciplinary specialists with advanced cognitive skills, emotional intelligence, and technological and social competence by 2030. These professionals ...
The spread of information technologies is updating the issues of using new digital data (activities on social networks, digital traces, data from mobile operators, banks, search engines, light traces, etc.) ...
As part of this study, we identified two main tasks: to consider existing concepts for managing the sustainable development of companies, especially focusing on those that directly use the spiral ...
Currently, both the authorities and citizens are joining the traditional forms of interaction, generated by the deployment of the information and digital age. The scientific problem is to assess the ...
We continue to study trends and attempts to reform territorial-settlement objects in the style of a “breakthrough”, namely, on the basis of highlighting national goals and a new project approach ...
The state of anxiety associated with the pandemic and post-pandemic has led a certain number of people to turn to traditional spiritual foundations and religion. The crisis period of 2020-2021 ...
The article analyzes the activities of Orthodox socially oriented FBOs and aid groups in the region using the example of the Republic of Mordovia. The data of the author's qualitative ...
In the conditions of actualisation of the problem of technological sovereignty of Russia, it is necessary for higher school to strengthen the technological side of the educational process. Universal ...
Independent work of students is an important component of the educational process at the university, on which the quality of training of a new generation of specialists depends. Independent ...
Creative localities as self-organizing forms of social life are a poorly studied phenomenon from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The article presents a theoretical interpretation of the concept of ...
The analysis of the state of the special side of the training of highly qualified personnel as an industrial practice is given. The historical path of the formation of ...
The article expands the controversy on whether the country has a strategy for economic growth and a policy of smoothing inequalities. It is concluded that a strategy has been adopted ...
The article presents the results of the author's analysis of the practices of informatization of social work on the example of the Republic of Karelia. The relevance of the topic ...
Differences in the level and quality of life of the population, the conditions for the reproduction of its potential and the opportunities for citizens to participate are an important task ...
The article is dedicated to the research of various aspects of the region's management in the context of overcoming the negative consequences of social inequality. It has been proved that ...
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