DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-0-2

Social mechanisms of transmission of family life culture through a religious network (case study of Russian Orthodox Christianity)

In the social sciences, religion is determined as an institution that traditionally favors the family. More religious societies generally have higher birth rates and more stable marriages, which means that the high value of the family is consistent with certain actions in the interests of the family. At the same time, secularization processes lead to a weakening of the coupling between family and religion, which affects the connection of values and practices in family life. However, the case of contemporary Russia shows an exception to this general rule. In the last 30 years, one can observe a consistent more than twofold increase in the proportion of the population affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as the declared value of the family, according to various surveys. Nonetheless, there are no changes adequate to this growth in the ratio of marriages and divorces, as well as in the birth rate. To explain this gap between values and actions, we introduce the concept of family life culture, which in social sciences is close in meaning to the concepts of habitus and ethos. It includes certain value patterns, action patterns, and competencies that reduce fears, uncertainties, and conflicts in common life at the stages of family transitions. The detraditionalization of the family as a consequence of secularization processes in this sense means not just a decline in the value of the family, but an interruption of the processes of transferring the culture of family life, which leads to marriage failures and low fertility. Relying on the results of several studies on the life transition of families with many children, the relationship between the social dimension of religiosity and attitudes towards the birth of children and the stability of marriages, we formulate the hypothesis of the importance of uniting and binding social capital as social mechanisms that ensure the introduction of young families to the culture of family life is substantiated. In this sense, the dynamics of the relationship between religion and family depends on the compression or expansion of those social structures (schools, clubs, camps, etc.) that provide communication between church parish group, as bearers of a culture of family life with several children and groups that identify themselves as Orthodox, declare family values, but are weakly religious.


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