
Research result. Sociology and Management

Volume 7, Issue №1, 2021 PDF

Problems of Contemporary Society in the Face of Global Challenges and Changes

Ours is a time of enormous progress being made in many spheres of the life of society and people, but it is also an age of vast challenges, for ...

Monitoring of the new identities (Salafi and Sunni) in Islam and the role of Social conflicts

Increased conflict proneness contributes to profound changes in the socio-political stratification and structure of society. Islamist movements are a political phenomenon that should be analyzed similarly to other political ...

Youth of the Russian borderlands: the problem of ethnic identity and tolerance

In conditions of geopolitical tension and the simultaneous striving of society to form “unlimited” tolerance, indicators of ethnic identity and ethnic tolerance are becoming the most important indicators of ...

Divergent Perspectives about Social Problems in Romania. A Longitudinal Literature Review

This research primarily focuses on identifying the main trends documented in the scientific analysis of the way in which the Romanian media presented the internal social aspects. The ...

Challenges to Digital Education in a Situation of Social Crisis

The present article aims to examine the state of mobile learning in Bulgaria, presenting the policy framework in which the education processes themselves take place, and also to show ...

Social Challenges and European Integration of the Western Balkans

The sub-region of the Western Balkans includes Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Northern Macedonia. Social challenges of these countries is different and depends on socio-economic development, political ...

Poverty as an object of sociological analysis: theoretical approaches and empirical measurements

Poverty as a social phenomenon is of interest not only to researchers – economists. Today, there is a growing interest in the analysis of this phenomenon from the point ...

Motives for marriage: analysis through the prism of gender

The article is devoted to solving a multi-faceted and complex problem associated with a comprehensive assessment of the motives that encourage the creation of a family union. The authors ...

Transformation of social and environmental practices of waste management in the mentality of Russian citizens

The article, based on mini-interviews with citizens (n=170), examines the problem of perceiving waste as environmental practice, personal influence, understanding the practice of separate waste collection and motivation for ...

Initial Impact of COVID-19 on the Professional Trajectories of Highly Qualified Bulgarians

Within the context of COVID-19 globally affecting labour migrants and observed return tendencies in different places all over the world, the article addresses three main questions, focused on the ...

The Refugee Challenge: State Policy and Social Attitudes in Bulgaria

The article examines one of the greatest challenges of our times: the migration of large masses of people fleeing wars, political persecution and terrorism; these refugees have become one ...

Entrepreneurial activity of the third age in Russia

An aging population is a major demographic trend in most modern countries. The increasing number of people of pre-retirement and retirement age, which is typical for Russia, requires solving ...