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Kamanina, Valentina Ev.
graduate student, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia.
Kameneva, Tatyana N.
Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Care, Kursk State Medical University
Kamensky, Evgeniy Georgievich
Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor
SouthWest State University
50 years of October 94, Kursk, 305040
Kanayeva, L. V.
Assistant professor of social and legal sciences and humanities, PhD, Associate Professor, South Ural State University (National Research University) in the city of Zlatoust
Str., 456209, Zlatoust, Turgenev, 16
Karasyova, Svetlana Gennadievna
PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor
Belarusian State University
4 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, 220030
Republic of Belarus
Kargina, Irina Георгиевна
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the sociology Department, Head of the Department of Educational and Organizational Work, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ...
Karpovskaya, Еkaterina E.
PhD Candidate, Institute of Social and Political Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Kazmierczyk, Jerzy
Ph. D., Adjunkt, Department of Education and Personnel Development, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland.
Khaikin, M. M.
Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Head of economic theory department
National mineral resource university «Gorny» Vasilevsky island, 21-st line, 2, St. Petersburg, 199106
Khan, Nadezhda Романовна
candidate of philosophical sciences, head of the UNESCO Department for the Study of World Cultures and Religions, Faculty of International Relations, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after the First President of ...