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Belyaev, Vladimir Alexandrovich
Director of Department of Sociology, Political Sciences and Management, KNITU-KAI named after A.N. Tupolev, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
Berdnik, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
senior lecturer of the international relations, foreign regional studies and political science Department.
Belgorod State National Research University.
Besfamilnyi, Danila Алексеевич
PhD student, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.
Bezniuk, Dmitry K.
Doctor of Sociological Science, Full Professor, Deputy Director for Science, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Binh, Yin
Chairman of the Boar.
Centre of the Russian-Chinese humanitarian cooperation and development
Blaginin, V. S.
Head of the Laboratory of Sociological Researches
Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
42 Lenin St., Lipetsk, 398020
Blagojevic, Mirko
Doctor of Social Sciences, Chief Researcher, the head of FOREL Institute of Social Research, Belgrade
Blagorozheva, Zhanna Olegovna
Assistance Lecturer, Department of sociology and work with youth
Blazhevski, Ivan
PhD, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, The Republic of Macedonia.
Bobyliova, Natalia Yu.
Student of Training Programme 39.04.01 Sociology (Master’s degree level), Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Central Russian Institute of Management (branch).