The increase in the scale of labor migration leads to an increase in the number of transnational families, in which the physical separation of spouses causes significant changes in ...
The demand for an objective assessment of the stratification of Russian society in the gender dimension is dictated by the structural social changes and risks of the modern moment, ...
The influence of religiosity on marital and family attitudes of modern youth
Volume 11, Issue №1, 2025
The article examines the influence of religious identity on the attitude of modern youth towards the institution of marriage and family. The authors of the article focus on the ...
Active social work plays a key role in the formation of a civic position, patriotism and moral principles in young people. Volunteering, in particular, has significant social value for ...
Today, when people find themselves crossing virtual and real social spaces, it is important to understand the phenomenon of digital marginalization in order to minimize negative consequences. Understanding the ...
The relevance of this issue is connected with the transformation of the child-woman ratio in families and its influence on the socio-economic development of the country. Changes in family ...
The relevance of the study is determined by the urgency and significance of identifying the factors and patterns that promote and hinder political solidarity and political consolidation of modern ...
Matrimonial dispositions of young people become the basis for forecasting demographic indicators, and their positive dynamics make it possible to talk about the implementation of the objectives of national ...
Effective matrimonial strategies of youth are the foundation for the implementation of national policy objectives, a condition for the transition to an optimistic scenario of demographic development, and in ...
The phenomenon of intensive migration has resulted in significant shifts in the national composition of individual countries and regions across the contemporary global landscape. The issue of mixed origins ...
The current issues surrounding migration and population mobility are subject to active study and analysis within both domestic and international literature. Concurrently, greater attention is accorded to the socio-economic ...
This article presents a review of theoretical and methodological approaches to single fatherhood in foreign and Russian scientific literature. It also analyses statistical and demographic data on the prevalence ...
The topic is relevant in light of the evolving role of the family as a social institution and as a small group in influencing the younger generation of Russians. The ...
Digital technologies, including in the field of communication between government bodies and the population, are actively used in the context of achieving the goal of digital transformation. Young people use ...
Transformation of student citizenship in a “turning point” (based on focus groups and essays by university students
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
The article analyzes the opinions and civil positions of students of the Rostov region universities in the context of a Special Military Operation and a destructive ideological war of ...
In the conditions of systemic transformations of modern society, increasing dynamism of social life, there are changes in the perceptions and real practices of the young generation, including students. ...
At the present time, there is an increasing need to study modern concepts of adaptation of foreign students in Russia due to the growing number of foreign students in ...
Recently, Russia has seen not only a rapid increase in the popularity of blogging, but also clear trends towards its professionalization. The interest in blogging among young people is ...
Relevance. The article is focused оn the analysis of social anxiety and social phobia of modern Russian students of six regions of the Russian Federation in the context of a ...
Public assessment of authorities is an important part of socio-political processes. It unites the interests of the participants in the development of the local territory. The importance and significance of ...
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