Modeling marital and family behavior of the rural population: statistical and sociological analysis
The relevance of the stated research problem is determined by the special role of marital and family behavior of the population in ensuring the socio-demographic security of rural areas. Acting as elements of a holistic model of demographic behavior, they determine not only the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the demographic potential of rural areas, but also have a direct impact on the reproductive behavior of residents. Global social changes, increased population mobility, urbanization and cultural transformation processes have led to the weakening of the family as a social institution of society, a change in its place in value orientations. The scientific problem lies in the contradiction between significant changes in the models of marital and family behavior of rural communities in Russia, caused by their saturation with non-traditional elements that change the essential characteristics of the family as a social institution, and the lack of justification for the mechanisms and consequences of this process for the reproduction of rural areas and society as a whole. The formulation and prospects for solving the problem are associated with the need to empirically analyze and substantiate the key trends in changing marital and family behavior of the population of rural areas of the Central Black Earth Economic Region. For conceptualization in the work, general and specific methods of scientific research (analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, concretization, the method of formal-logical analysis, graphic, structural-functional methods), as well as statistical (summary and grouping of statistical observation materials, construction of dynamic series) and a set of sociological research methods (questionnaire survey, in-depth expert interview, focus groups) were used. Research Results. Understanding of specifics of population reproduction processes based on statistical research allows to draw a conclusion about significant transformation of model of matrimonial behavior of rural population caused by totality of social, economic, epidemiological and geopolitical factors of demographic reproduction. Application of sociological methods allowed to supplement the conducted analysis and substantiate main tendencies in change of marital and family behavior of rural residents. Conclusions. Crisis tendencies of demographic development and geopolitical tension, especially characteristic for border rural territories of Belgorod and Kursk regions, have significant influence on transformation of models of family and marital behavior of population. The conducted analysis shows the continuing leveling of the importance of the institution of family and marriage, the devaluation of family relations (according to statistical sources) while simultaneously declaring the high importance of the family as a traditional value (according to sociological research). This trend not only reduces the birth rate, but also prevents the younger generation from forming stable family values based on the experience of their parents, which will most likely lead to a deepening of the crisis in the demographic sphere of society in the future.
Gaidukova, G. N. (2024), “Modeling marital and family behavior of the rural population: statistical and sociological analysis”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (4), 226-244. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-1-2
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