Structure of satisfaction with life in retirement (on the sample of patients in rehabilitation after COVID-19)
One of the criteria of the level of civility of society is its attitude towards the elderly. In this regard, there is an urgent need to explore the potential for improving the satisfaction of people later in life to achieve decent and prosperous old age. The purpose of this study is to examine the structure of life satisfaction at a late age. The research was conducted on the basis of Chelyabinsk Regional Rehabilitation Center, the sample was the respondents older than 60 years (n=95). Materials and methods: SF-36 Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire; Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS) (E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R. J. Larsen and S. Griffin in the adaptation of D. A. Leontiev and E. N. Osin); A. Fenem subjective income scale in O. S. Deyneka adaptation. In order to analyze the structure of life satisfaction, an exploratory factor analysis was performed using the main components with the Varimax rotation rocedure, which allowed to allocate 4 factors, explaining 71.38% of the total variance. The results of the study and their discussion: according to the content of the variables included in the factors, the “Socio-Economic component of life satisfaction” was singled out, testifying to the importance of life in comfortable conditions in retirement, the importance of achieving the main goals. “The psychological component of satisfaction” speaks about the value of forces, energy, positive emotions and the extent to which physical and emotional resources allow one to realize oneself in society. The third factor “Physical component of satisfaction” includes variables related to the assessment of physical condition and its impact on the performance of work and daily duties. The last factor, “Emotional-role component of satisfaction”, includes an assessment of the extent to which the emotional state determines the performance of various activities. The results of the study suggest that improved financial well-being and social functioning will have a positive impact on life satisfaction in later life.
Chestyunina, Y.V., Kuba, E.A., Zabelina, E.V., Zadorozhna, A.V. (2023), “Structure of satisfaction with life in retirement (on the sample of patients in rehabilitation after COVID-19)”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 9 (3), 89-109, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-3-0-7.
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The research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation № 22-28-00421,