Relationship of HIV awareness with health-saving and risk behaviour attitudes of residents in the Moscow region
Relevance. This work is a logical continuation of research on HIV infection in the Moscow region in 2018-2021. The COVID-19 pandemic had highlighted the importance of an adequate understanding of threats to one’s own health and the health of others, and of having the necessary information to take protective measures during a global epidemic. In the context of the ongoing epidemic of HIV infection in Russia, the investigation of factors of healthy behaviour of the population remains an important task. Methods. The data presented in the article were obtained during a mass survey. The survey was carried out in July-September 2022 in the Moscow region. The results of the survey were obtained in the Moscow region. 3,100 respondents from the Moscow region and 200 respondents from each of the target groups were interviewed: drug users (DU) and commercial sex workers (CSW). Research Results. The article presents a comparative analysis of quantitative indicators of the level of awareness on various issues related to HIV infection and features of health-saving behavior of residents of the Moscow region. Conclusions. The study found a link between the level of HIV awareness and HIV-related health-saving and risk-taking behaviour among the population of the Moscow region, as well as two key groups: drug users (DU) and commercial sex workers (CSW).
Pronin, A. Yu., Drobyshevskaya, E. V., Zhukova, E. V., Shilova, V. A. (2023), “Relationship of HIV awareness with health-saving and risk behaviour attitudes of residents in the Moscow region”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 9 (3), 49-68, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-3-0-5.
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