DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-4-0-8

Public chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the regonal system of government: the main problems of functioning and evaluation of the efficiency of work

The article deals with the problems of functioning of regional Public Chambers in the system of regional administration, including approaches to the evaluation of their activities. The author identifies the main problems of regional Public Chambers such as the methods of formation, the definition of the basic functions, approaches to evaluation of activities and the potential for interaction with authorities. The study showed that until today, there are no generally accepted adequate tools and scales for measuring and evaluating the development of civil society institutions, which leads to the dominance in journalism and in the scientific literature of descriptive characteristics and judgments with a high degree of subjectivity when considering the activities of regional public chambers. One of the tools for assessing the effectiveness of regional public chambers could be the methods developed within the framework of intellectual capital concepts, adapted to the institutions of civil society. The article formulates recommendations on further directions for the development of regional Public Chambers and methods for evaluating their effectiveness on the basis of measuring intellectual capital. The article was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 17-03-00328 “Institutions and practices of interaction between the authorities, expert community and public organizations in Russian regions”.

Information for citation: Evstifeev, R. V. (2018), “Public chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the regonal system of government: the main problems of functioning and evaluation of the efficiency of work”, Research Result. Sociology and management, 4 (4), 87-100, DOI:10.18413/2408-9338-2018-4-4-0-8 

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