
Research result. Sociology and Management

Volume 11, Issue №1, 2025 PDF

A sociological analysis of the traditional values of modern students (based on the materials of Qingdao)

This article provides a sociological analysis of the traditional values of Chinese students. The empirical basis of the work was the results of a sociological study of traditional values ...

Bearers of social capital: who are they?

The key idea of the article is to create a generalized image of a typical representative of a group with low and high levels of social capital. The authors ...

A socio-technological approach to the formation of the state-civic identity of Russian youth in modern conditions

Relevance. The topic of identity has recently been one of the most discussed among representatives of social and humanitarian knowledge. The search for new foundations, factors and conditions ...

Loneliness in the family: a study of the everyday practices of a young family

The work presented systematises theoretical approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of loneliness, demonstrates their applicability to the study of loneliness in family actors, and allows for the ...

Scope, contexts and social effects of information flow / of solidarity in Russian social media (2023-2024)

The relevance of the study is determined by the urgency and significance of identifying the factors and patterns that promote and hinder political solidarity and political consolidation of modern ...

The influence of religiosity on marital and family attitudes of modern youth

The article examines the influence of religious identity on the attitude of modern youth towards the institution of marriage and family. The authors of the article focus on the ...

The ехpression of digital marginalization in entering the hybrid space of modern society (using the example of novice users)

Today, when people find themselves crossing virtual and real social spaces, it is important to understand the phenomenon of digital marginalization in order to minimize negative consequences. Understanding the ...

The role and importance of the institution of volunteering in improving the process of socialization of modern students

Active social work plays a key role in the formation of a civic position, patriotism and moral principles in young people. Volunteering, in particular, has significant social value for ...

Transnational families in the context of labor migration: transformation of family roles and dynamics of interaction

The increase in the scale of labor migration leads to an increase in the number of transnational families, in which the physical separation of spouses causes significant changes in ...

Gender stratification of Russian society in the social dimension

The demand for an objective assessment of the stratification of Russian society in the gender dimension is dictated by the structural social changes and risks of the modern moment, ...

The transformation of child-woman ratio in families in modern Russia

The relevance of this issue is connected with the transformation of the child-woman ratio in families and its influence on the socio-economic development of the country. Changes in family ...

Social stability in the context of digitalization of the modern information society

This article is devoted to the study of the impact of the modern information society on the state of social stability in the context of digitalization. In the era ...

Feedback platforms as a tool for regional socio-political mobilization

Relevance. Modern relations between local authorities and the population in the regions are changing under the influence of digitalisation and network communication, fostering the emergence of new forms of ...

Social and managerial mechanisms for the implementation of the professional standard of teachers: attitudes and expectations of employees

Тhe professional development of employees of the education system is an important condition for achieving the quality of education. The state policy in the education includes a whole range ...

Techniques for countering fake news in regional society: what strengthens trust in the post-truth era?

Relevance. The article is devoted to studying the role and extent of the spread of fakes in modern society. They are interpreted as a threat to the security of the ...