The process of formation of new cultural and civilization identities can be observed in the process of transformation of the states which occur in the modern world. These processes are especially urgent for the territories in which there were new state associations in recent years. In the article, theoretical and practical researches in the field of development and deployment of the system of monitoring of the process of formation of cultural and civilization identities of border regions are given. The data of the social research «The specifics of formation of cultural and civilization identities in the border regions of Russia and Ukraine» are provided. On the basis of the research, the elements of the system of sociological monitoring of formation of cultural and civilization identities in border regions are determined. The author claims that the planning and organization of sociological monitoring allow to increase effectiveness of the whole system of formation of cultural and civilization identities in border regions, providing accurate communication between the past, present and future programs and strategies, and the results of development.
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Research result. Sociology and Management is included in the scientific database of the RINTs (license agreement No. 765-12/2014 dated 08.12.2014).
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