The article analyzes the concept of «mass religious consciousness», using the more general concept of «mass», «mass consciousness». The features of the influence of modernism and postmodernism on the structure and processes of deconstruction of classic religious groups, social causes of massivization religious consciousness. On the basis of opinion polls among the Muslims of Dagestan data showing tendencies of mass religious consciousness. The definition of the concept of «mass religious consciousness» is given. It is shown that modern study of the religious consciousness should be based not only on religious criteria, based on the traditional standard of sacred values, but also on the broader drawn from secular life and sacralized. Moreover, there is a tendency that is expressed in the fact that religious values have gradually become part of the content of the believers desacralized. On the other hand, the secular-oriented members of the public to actively start using religious values as the general cultural, non-sacred character of regulating certain aspects of public life. These processes determine the content massivization modern religious consciousness.
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