Different brands are represented on the smartphone market. In this article, the author refers to the study of the dilemma, which is determined by the customer's choice of one or another manufacturer of smartphones. General theoretical approach is based on the scientific works of the scientists: Mitchell, W. (1914). Clark, J.M., (1918). Katona, G. (1980). Leibenstein, H. (1985). Simon, H. A. (1978). Gilad, B., Kaish, S. (Eds.), (1986). Ainslie, G. (1992). Camerer, C. F, (1985). Kim P. Corfman (1995, Goldman, Alfred E. (1962), Welch, Joe L. (1985), Levy, Sidney J. (1979). The author has developed criteria for assessment of the smartphone, which were presented in the questionnaire. The author uses a survey to research the consumer preferences. The respondents rated the products of such brands as Acer, Apple, Dell, HP, Lenovo, MSI (does not manufacture smartphones), Samsung, producing smartphones. The author processed the results with the help of MS Excel. The author has formulated conclusions in accordance with the results of the conducted research.
Keywords: a customer,
the Customer's Dilemma,
behavioral economics,
the questionnaire,
a homogeneous group,
the respondents,
the brands,
a scale,
a rating,
assessment criteria,
values of the criteria.
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