DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-3-1-5

Dysfunctions of youth policy design in Russian universities
(using the example of the participants of the Priority 2030 Program) 

The article analyzes the models of youth policy presented in the development programs of universities participating in the Priority 2030 Federal Project. The author considers the University as the most important institution for the socialization of Russian youth, especially in a situation of geopolitical instability. This stage of a young person's life is defined as a time of social experimentation, self-discovery, and the acquisition of important personal qualities and values that contribute to the expansion of solidarity in Russian society. In this regard, the systemic youth policy of the university is becoming a key factor in the social integration of the younger generation. Based on the structural analysis of the program texts, the article draws conclusions about the existence of a number of dysfunctional patterns that significantly reduce the effectiveness of university youth policy. The most significant of them are the insufficient level of goal setting, the lack of measurable performance criteria, descriptive nature, weak correlation with national objectives and priorities. The article concludes that it is necessary to change the university's youth policy and adapt it to the peculiarities of the geopolitical situation in which Russia finds itself.

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