Student agency manifestation in a project-based learning: a case of the Federal University
According to experts, there will be a growing demand for hybrid and multidisciplinary specialists with advanced cognitive skills, emotional intelligence, and technological and social competence by 2030. These professionals will be able to make independent and innovative decisions in a rapidly changing labor market. The system of higher professional education faces the challenge of addressing the quantitative and qualitative shortage of young professionals. In this context, the topic of modernizing personnel training includes the introduction and active promotion of project-based learning. Project-based training should promote the agency of students as young professionals by transferring them within the framework of training from passive behavior to active independent actions, effective interaction with the professional community, disclosure of leadership potential, development of initiative and readiness to design new interdisciplinary solutions. The manifestations of student agency in project-based learning is an urgent issue on the research agenda and management practice of universities. The aim of the study was to investigate the key features of UrFU students' agency, as manifested in their project-based learning experiences. The article presents the findings from a survey conducted among students (N=1,070) using a quota sampling method in 2024 (including sex, training level and major subject). The survey error does not exceed 3 percent. According to the survey results, the relevance of key features of agency and project-based learning was established. It was empirically proved that project-based learning encourages independent, proactive behavior, promotes the development of leadership qualities, and enhances students' innovative potential.
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The article was written with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, Project № 24-28-01482 “Project training in the development of professionalism and citizenship of Russian students: the managerial context and the formation of transformative agency”,