DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-3-0-8

Blogger through the eyes of a Moscow student: the image of the profession

Recently, Russia has seen not only a rapid increase in the popularity of blogging, but also clear trends towards its professionalization. The interest in blogging among young people is especially pronounced. In this regard, there is a need to study the perception of blogging as a profession by young people, to form an image of this profession in their minds, to understand its essence and features. In addition, it is important to identify the factors influencing the formation of the image of the blogger's profession in the minds of young people. The article presents the results of a study of the image of the blogger profession in the representations of the student youth of the city of Moscow. Based on the analysis of theoretical approaches to the study of the profession image, the structure of the blogger's profession image was developed, which includes cognitive, emotional, personal and behavioral components. The results of the student survey revealed that the cognitive component of the image of the blogger's profession was not formed clearly enough for the majority of respondents. At the same time, the emotional and personal components are characterized by positive features. The analysis of the behavioral component showed that the majority of respondents have no intention of becoming professional bloggers. Among the factors influencing the formation of the image of the blogger's profession, the most significant were the level of education and the degree of involvement in the blogosphere. A student's level of education influences their perception of blogging as a profession. The higher the student's level of education, the less they perceive blogging as a profession and more as a way of self-expression, communication or entertainment.  The degree of involvement in the blogosphere influences the correctness of the image of the blogger's profession in the student's mind. The more a young person is interested in the blogosphere, the more their idea of the blogging profession matches reality. The results of the study indicate that, despite the popularity of blogging among students, their ideas about the profession of a blogger often do not correspond to reality.


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