Regional inequality management modelling
The paper attempted to use the social modeling method to study the state of regulation of regional inequalities. This work is carried out as part of a comprehensive study on the social modeling of regional inequalities and ways to overcome them in the context of interregional and federal relations. The work is exploratory in nature and is dictated by the fact that in the course of developing government strategies and mechanisms aimed at reducing interregional inequality, as a rule, decision-makers focus on the search for legal and financial instruments, often bypassing the processes of regulating social ties and interactions, as well as the peculiarities of the management system in the regions. From our point of view, the regional management system is both a factor in interregional inequality and a prerequisite for its reduction. In this regard, the scientific problem consisted in the use of sociohumanitarian (sociological and managerial) knowledge and methods for assessing the state of the mechanism for regulating regional inequalities, as well as the impact on this mechanism of the management system. Social modeling was used as such a scientific research method. A research program has been developed, methodological grounds for modeling the regulation of regional inequalities have been formulated. The empirical basis for modeling was the results of sociological research, where a whole range of sociological methods was involved: mass polling of the population, expert polling, document analysis, analysis of statistical data, content analysis of government sites. The result of the work done was the development of a regulatory model. The scientific content of the model is disclosed, its main elements and their functional characteristics are described. The developed model is a model for regulating regional inequalities of the management type and is closely related to the work of the management system in the region. The conditions for applying the model were considered and a list of indicators was developed to assess the state of management regulation of regional inequalities. One of the advantages of this model is its practical orientation and integration into the process of developing and making management decisions.
Merzlykov, A. A. (2023), “Regional inequality management modelling”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 9 (3), 138-153, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-3-1-0.
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