Assessing the subjectivity of participants in interaction to reduce inequality in Russian regions
Differences in the level and quality of life of the population, the conditions for the reproduction of its potential and the opportunities for citizens to participate are an important task of regional development in the Russian Federation. State bodies introduce mechanisms for the interaction of various stakeholders. This is aimed at forming a group subject that develops the region. They want to organize such interaction of participants in regional development that will lead to the achievement of the desired results. If the created group subject is effective, then it is subjectness, otherwise it is subjectless (for example, the mechanism is introduced, but communications are of a ritual nature). Various ministries have developed methodologies for monitoring their own mechanisms. Their logic is different, but they all a priori believe that the analyzed mechanism is useful. Therefore, they investigate only the scale of its implementation. How useful the mechanism is is not analyzed. To check the usefulness of the implemented interaction mechanisms, the article proposes a method for determining the subjectness of the implemented interaction mechanism. As a methodological basis for the development of the method, the model of the social body of the problem, described by A.V. Tikhonov (in this study we are talking about the subjectness of a social group formed in the process of regional development). The concept of subjectness is considered for probabilistic situations in which subject-subject interaction is organized. Such subjectness is formed in the process of solving real problems and requires observation of a certain time period (since we are talking about the stability of equally spaced interval series, determined using the Ch. Spearman correlation coefficient, it is necessary to have statistics for at least five years). The developed method is based on the correlation comparison of the time series of the dynamics of the implemented mechanism of interaction and indicators of regional development. This makes it possible to clarify both the presence and strength of the relationship, and the causal relationship between them. For an example of using the subjectness assessment method, one of the most actively implemented mechanisms of interaction is considered – initiative budgeting, public-private partnership and volunteerism.
Demyanenko, V. I. (2023), “Assessing the subjectivity of participants in interaction to reduce inequality in Russian regions”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 9 (3), 123-137, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-3-0-9.
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