Social survival in a regional armed conflict
The article discusses the features of social survival in the context of a regional conflict. The object of analysis is the socio-demographic groups of different nationalities and religions. The subject of the study is the forms and methods of social survival in an extreme conflict situation. The study applied a sociocultural and active approach, used the method of sociological observation, measuring variables characterizing the sources of survival, social well-being, a sense of security, and value orientations. Result: The study revealed that social survival has its own specifics at different stages of the conflict. It has been established that in a situation of disorganization, rupture of habitual social ties, survival requires self-organization in places where people are located, the definition of norms and rules of behavior, security measures, building a culture of community life adequately in accordance with the military situation. There is a deterioration in life during the conflict of three-quarters of the population, the acute need for food and security in the war zone, the role of solidarity and mutual assistance in self-preservation. The importance of religion in strengthening self-control and hope is revealed. In the future, it is considered necessary to monitor social survival and social moods in the context of the post-war revival and development of the region.
Yusupov, M. M. (2023), “Social survival in conditions of regional armed conflict”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 9 (3), 9-20, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-3-0-2.
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