DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2023-9-2-1-1.

Problems of religious identity of the Kyrgyz: a phenomenological and sociological analysis of proselytism

The article is devoted to the analysis of the religious identity of the Kyrgyz and the perception of Kyrgyz proselytes by the population of the Kyrgyz Republic on the example of the Kyrgyz who adopted the Christian faith in the context of an interreligious conflict. In the understanding of the population, religious and ethnic identities are the same, which leads to a significant problem in inter-religious relations within the country. The escalation of conflicts arises on the basis of misunderstanding, stereotypes, prejudice and labels, poor awareness of the population and government officials in matters of religion, as well as the lack of humanity and religious tolerance among some representatives of the Islamic clergy. The attitude of Muslim Kyrgyz towards Kyrgyz proselytes is negative, the consequences of which are reflected in the lives of converted Kyrgyz. The growing trend of newly converted Kyrgyz Christians worries both “practicing” Muslims and Muslims who do not follow religious precepts and consider themselves Muslims by ethnicity. The presumption of the Islamization of the Kyrgyz people prevails in the worldview of the Muslim population and becomes the starting point in defending their positions regarding Islam in the life of the Kyrgyz. The study was conducted on the basis of a sociological research, taking into account the phenomenological approach. Not only believers of Islam were covered, but also the Kyrgyz who embraced the Christian faith at a conscious, i.e. at the adult age.

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