DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-0-8

Adaptation of migrants in the host society: the case of Armenians in the Vologda region

A person is often forced to leave his or her home environment and move to a new, completely unknown environment and to become part of the host society in order to sustain life and meet his or her inner needs. With regard to migration flows from Armenia, migration decision makers do not choose their country of destination randomly and spontaneously, but with a clear understanding of the existing opportunities and risks. The purpose of our study is to identify the factors that influenced the decision-making, to prioritize the impact of attracting or pushing forces, to assess the depth of adaptation of migrants and the presence of adaptation barriers. The study was carried out on the basis of studying the situation of migrants from the Republic of Armenia in Russia and the processes of their integration into the host society. Through the qualitative methodology of sociological analysis (in-depth interviews were conducted in 2019, N = 27), the main directions of the socio-cultural adaptation of Armenians are identified. Empirical material was obtained in the Vologda region. It was found that migrants have successfully adapted to Russian conditions, they have the necessary resources to integrate into the host community: they speak the language, have a high educational level, and professional training. Also, during the study, the main barriers and obstacles that Armenians faced during adaptation or that accompanied them while living in the above region were identified.

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