DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2022-8-4-0-3.

Riskogenic impact of visual content on the socialization of young people

Visual content and social networks have become firmly embedded in the daily life of every person. In the virtual space, in terms of its negative impact, young people are the most unprotected, since they are the most active users and consumers of virtual content. Young people do not always analyze the content they view at the proper level, and therefore the likelihood of a negative impact of visual content on the socialization of a young person increases. The situation of the risky impact of virtual content on young people is aggravated due to the dominance of clip thinking in the youth environment. The paper presents statistically significant results of a sociological study reflecting the level of influence of visual images of social networks on students of the humanities training profile. The dependence of the level of content influence on the respondent on the index of the virtual content structure is described by a statistically significant cubic parabola, which can be used to assess the expressive ability of a particular virtual content when calculating the level of its risk impact.



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