DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-3-0-9

Generational characteristics of participation in social and political processes

The pertinence of the study of ideas about the peculiarities of participation in socio-political processes of representatives of different generations stems from the growing interest in modern society in strategies for involving citizens in social processes and building intergenerational communications. In the sociological and political studies currently being conducted, the problems of building a dialogue between representatives of different generations are presented rather fragmentarily. The analysis of the views of representatives of different generations on the socio-political processes that affect the involvement of citizens in public life is also carried out fragmentarily. The purpose of the publication: to study the influence of the intergenerational aspect on the participation of citizens in socio-political processes and to analyze the factors that determine the process of building intergenerational communications, as well as possible limitations. The methodology of the research is based on the functional, institutional, and comparative approaches to the analysis of the participation of representatives of different generations in socio-political processes. The comparative analysis was carried out based on the data of the author's empirical study “The influence of intergenerational communications on the involvement of residents in socio-political processes” (October-December 2020). The object of the study: the target groups (youth, middle-aged, elderly citizens). The sample size of the survey participants was 750 people (N = 750). The participants in the standardized interview (N = 30) – respondents of all the noted age categories. The novelty of the research consists in identifying trends and specifics in the formation of strategies for the participation in social and political processes of representatives of different generations. The results of the study will improve the strategies for involving residents in socio-political processes, and will also contribute to identifying the factors of sustainable formation of the communication environment, in which representatives of different generations are included.


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