DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2021-7-1-0-6

Poverty as an object of sociological analysis: theoretical approaches and empirical measurements

Poverty as a social phenomenon is of interest not only to researchers – economists. Today, there is a growing interest in the analysis of this phenomenon from the point of view of a sociological approach, which makes it possible to designate the multidimensional approach, substantiate the expediency of an integrated approach to analysis, and develop strategic approaches to overcoming poverty in modern conditions. The purpose of the article: to substantiate theoretical approaches to the study of poverty from the perspective of a sociological approach and to present the main features and characteristics of poverty as an object of sociological analysis in the regional dimension. The presented results are based on the empirical data of the author's research, on the basis of which the perception of poverty by various strata of the population, the main characteristics of the poor, and the regional specificity of poverty in general are characterized. The authors substantiate the idea that poverty is a complex multidimensional, multifactorial phenomenon that requires a clear comprehensive strategy to reduce it, and ideally eliminate it. The solution to the problem of poverty is impossible with the help of only economic measures or, on the contrary, social support measures for various categories of the population.


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