Problems of scientific and educational activities of postgraduate students
Since 2013, as a result of the reform of higher education, training of highly qualified personnel has become a stage of higher education. However, over the past few years, the share of those who defended their dissertations in the total number of postgraduate students has been steadily decreasing. The article is devoted to the research of the reasons leading to the reduction of this indicator. To conduct the research, a qualitative strategy was chosen and two methods of data collection were used: document analysis and free interview. Such official documents as normative legal acts, national projects “Education” and “Science”, as well as statistical collections and analytical reports were analyzed by the method of document analysis. The method of free interview was used to interview postgraduate students of the 1st and 2d years of study of full-time and distance learning. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the recent decrease in the number of dissertations reflects the low level of efficiency of postgraduate training of highly qualified personnel. The new model of postgraduate studies assumes serious educational training of postgraduate students and highly qualified specialists, which leads to an increase in the auditorium load. The need for postgraduate students to work and the increase in classroom activities leads to a shortage of time for research activities. The state is taking measures to improve the system of training of highly qualified personnel. One of the key tasks of the national projects “Education” and “Science” related to postgraduate studies is to increase the number of PhD theses. There are also provisions for material support for postgraduate students through grants.
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