The article is devoted to the assessment of the responsibility concept methodological potential as the basis of scientific sociological substantiation of management decisions to minimize risks. The actualization of needs to risk analysis in a sociological approach relates by the author with the understanding that the explanation, prediction and risk management is not possible without taking into account the interests, values, attitudes, the lifestyle characteristics of individuals and social communities.
The proposition is introduced that the essence of risk management is in the substantiation the scope of its social acceptability sphere, andrisk communication is the control technology as a form of responsible relationships. Responsibility in the context of risk issues is considered in relation to such concepts as the attitudes, the value of life, living conditions, resources, subjects and responsibility adaptation and implementation strategies.
The data of sociological research in the territorial communities are presented where the core of conflict between the potential participants of risk communication are the technological risks and their acceptability. The interpretation of these studies confirms the thesis that the risk management in specific conditions shall be based not only on technological parameters, but also on sociological diagnosis data.
Keywords: responsibility,
social acceptability of risk,
risky communication,
sociological support of management decisions.
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