The article analyzes peculiarities of Russian youth’s interpersonal trust as an important factor for decrease of social risks under conditions of changing reality. Two main types of interpersonal trust are trust to nearest circle of people and generalized trust. On the basis of the results of public opinion pull (2014) the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on trust is examined. Attitudes of youth are compared with attitudes of older Russians.
The special attention is paid for the generalized trust, which indicates the perception of atmosphere in society by population (whether people in our society are trustworthy or not). The influence of youth’s social well-being (including perception of family status at the current moment and in the past, situation in society, social optimism) on generalized trust. The differences in the specificity of this phenomenon for youth and older population are showed. The findings are explained by the peculiarities of youth’s values.
Keywords: trust,
Russian youth.
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