Methodology of the Analysis of the Social Systems Dynamics
Current globalization is both a system and dynamic but inherently contradictory process marked with a growth of geopolitical conflicts and risks. Drawing on the works of Russian and foreign theorists and on my personal experience of participation in a set of international research projects, the author has come to the following conclusions. First, the globalization is an all-embracing and all-penetrating process shaping a global sociobiotechnical system (hereafter, the SBT-system). Second, any kind of system dynamics is a complex system that is cemented by the informational networks and metabolic processes. Third, the informational processes generate the phenomenon of ‘space inversion’ shaping an integrated cyberspace. Fourth, the so-called recurrent modernization is not an actual process of development. Fifth, the world is shifting from the Third scientific-and-technological revolution (hereafter the STR-3) toward the Fourth one burdened with the twists and conflicts. Sixth, under these conditions, the world is becoming less predictable and more complex. Seventh, nonlinear flows of the resources, people and information make the transition process more unpredictable and even chaotic. Eighth, the existing social institutions fail to keep the pace with the life that makes a social world even more chaotic. Ninth, therefore the further the more the social institutions are becoming more mobile and the existing norms are forces out by a permanent dialogue and the temporary agreements (making roadmaps, etc.). Tenth, the individuals and their groups are becoming more superficial, mobile and their ties are weakening. Eleventh, under the STR-4, the individual and a society as a whole are living in two spaces, in a material and virtual ones. Twelfth, to be as strong as other superpowers, Russia has to make a triple ‘jump’: to restore its industrial potential, to ‘shift to the figure’ i.e. to rebuild its mode of production and public life on an informational basis, and to restructure its institutional system.
Information for citation: Yanitsky, O. N. (2019), “Methodology of the Analysis of the Social Systems Dynamics”, Research Result. Sociologyandmanagement, 5 (1), 82-95, DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2019-5-1-0-7
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