The research describes the features of perception of the highest regional clergy by orthodox believers belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchy in the Perm region: the main motives, the system of the argument, the factors defining the strategy of formation of an image. The features of the ideas about the head of local Orthodox Church are fixed in three aspects: intrinsic ideas of the head of a diocese at the abstract and personal levels, attributing to the bishop a fixed set of functions, and the definition of boundaries of obedience to him. Making a range of judgments of the previous bishops and the current metropolitan is considered as a set of elements of a rational discourse and stereotypes of traditional and modern mentality of Post-Soviet believers, arising at the junction of the popular religious worldview. The image of the reverend is presented as a result of reproduction of forms of traditional ideas of clergy, activity of the secular education system and mass media, and the corrected anti-religious policy of the Soviet period. The place of the highest clergy in religious space of the individual is considered as poorly defined, with low importance for realization of religious requirements. This situation is caused by a tendency of privatization of religious life in contemporary Russian society. The text is based on the data of monitoring of religious situation in the Perm region from 2014 to 2018, using the semi-structured interview technique with interpretation of data with principles of the hermeneutic text analysis.
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