The article is devoted to the analysis of social practices of the modern Orthodox Sunday parochial education in the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). A brief historiography of the Orthodox Sunday parochial education in Russia. The author discusses the basic characteristics of the Parish Sunday ROC education for children: the goals and objectives of the educational activities, types and forms of Sunday schools, levels of education. The characteristic of the system of Sunday parochial education in intercession Pokrovskaya and Nikolaev diocese of Saratov Аrchdiocese: it lists the areas of work of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis, it provides some data on the number of Sunday schools, students, and teachers. The article discusses the basic aspects of the functioning of a Sunday school of Pokrovskaya and Nikolaev diocese. The author presents the results of the survey of parents’ attitudes towards the education of children at the Sunday school оf Pokrovskaya and Nikolaev diocese.
Keywords: Orthodox Sunday school,
parochial school,
religious education system of the Russian Orthodox Church,
Pokrovskaya and Nikolaev Diocese (Saratov Аrchdiocese),
attitude of parents towards religious education.
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