DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2016-2-4-41


The results of the complex sociological research of representations and expectations of citizens of Russia for 2050 are covered in the article. In April, 2015, under the leadership of Zhelnina E. V., an associate professor of the Department of Sociology of Tolyatti State University, the sociological research «Russia-2050» was conducted. The sociological tools allowing to investigate the declared perspective were developed. 783 respondents took part in questioning. The received image can be the basis for formation of a long-term strategy of public administration. The relevance of the subject is determined by a contradiction of external and internal factors of innovative development. Today, the accurate, concrete image of Russia, even in the near-term outlook, doesn't exist. For 2050, the respondents named economy (18 %) and family (17 %) among the most important spheres of activity of the Russian society. More than a half of respondents specified that population of the Russian Federation in 2050 will grow (due to the increase of birth rate and strengthening of migration). As a result of the analysis of opinions of the respondents of relativity of the importance of a social group for the individual, we revealed a rather obvious tendency to individualization. An overwhelming number of respondents noted enduring importance of the institute of family in 2050 (95,81 %). In 2050, the union of the man and woman with two children will be considered as a usual family; the family lives separately from relatives with sufficient material welfare; in a family, a traditional division of roles is accepted: the breadwinner and the defender is the husband, the woman is the keeper of home; but in a family both spouses work. The results of the research and the recommendations can be used both at the level of the state, and at the level of municipal administration as a basis for formation of a long-term strategy of the subsequent development, for development of specific programs and actions of innovative development. Besides, the data obtained during implementation of the project can be used for extension of the theory of the sociological analysis of a problem of strategic public and municipal administration, and also as the statistical material significantly enriching the theory of the public and municipal administration, sociology of management; for improvement of educational programs in the field of sociology of innovatics, economic sociology, the theory of social processes, sociology of the city and city development, sociology of management.

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