The article provides an overview of the research conducted by Italian scientists in the framework of the society relational theory. This theory was put forward at the end of the last century by an Italian philosopher and sociologist Pierpaolo Donati (b. 1946), and since the early 1980s up to the present time, it has been actively developed in the writings of both Donati, who is the author of over 600 publications, and other prominent scientists. Particular attention in their work is paid to family issues and family relationships. Family relations are looked upon as a unique and irreplaceable source of social capital, the basis of all other social relations. This review provides information on the major research centers, associated with the name of Donati, as well as provides some information about a number of scientists who developed his theory in the sphere of family relations studies and in the priority directions of their activity. It also deals with a detailed large-scale study of various aspects of the Italian family life, conducted in five macro regions of Italy in 2011-2012.
Keywords: family,
relational sociology.
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