This contribution presents results of a study pertaining to religious integralism and strategies of its implementation, using examples of strongly religious movements with different modes of religious world-denying (i.e. world-conquering, world-transforming, world-creating, and world-renouncing). This study explains the principles and conditions of religious integralism, paying special attention to the role of these modes of religious world-denying. It identifies several processes, which explain the exclusive character of the religious integralism: On the one hand these processes legitimize strongly-religious boundary making in such organizations and on the other hand they simultaneously provide structural conditions for incorporation of non-members, who conform to organizational goals and values. These processes include (a) exclusive self-identification with a moral code in the structure of the exclusively defined self-categorizations, (b) different mechanisms of social control and looping, as well as (c) subtyping of non-members and value-related subtyping. All these processes legitimize selectivity in the incorporation of non-members into strongly-religious organizations as well as exclusion of everyone, who do not conform to organizational values and goals.
Keywords: strong religion,
social control,
social identity,
religious world-denying.
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