The economy has always been functioning on the basis of ideological and religious principles, which are a reflection of philosophical doctrines. And they only formulate the system of principles of life of the people. Accordingly, goals and motives of economic activity have an ethical and religious dimension. The West has been in a state of total war with the East, the tasks of which is reminiscent of the age of the Protestant reformation, the era of the seizure and redistribution of the New world. Only now an objective is being set – the redivision of the world. And the neo-liberal «cultural revolution», based on the theory of postmodernism, is directed on the demolition of traditional morals. Postmodernism is at the same time a military-political doctrine, being prepared to prepare conditions for «velvet revolutions». Their objective is to destroy the traditional values and principles of the spiritual being (“the cultural core”).
The Western system of education, based on post-modernism, works against Russia, training the youth on the basis of the Pro-Western values − in the spirit of negation of the higher divine values, claiming instead a «religion of human» and other values of the «modern society». That is why we must prepare our own manuals in social sciences and the economic theory, trying to take over our historical, spiritual space from the West.
Keywords: Economics,
ethics and morals,
traditional morality,
total war,
the Protestant reformation,
the «cultural revolution»,
a theory of postmodernism,
military-political doctrine,
divine values,
the spiritual space,
books on economic theory.
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