The article presents the data on realization of cluster policy of the Russian Federation
received by an author’s method of remote research named “electronic respondent”. On the basis of these data, it analyzes the work in the regions and sectors of Russia on creation of technological clusters from positions of the concepts of innovative industrialization and socialorganizational zoning, developed, respectively, by INP RAS and the Center of Sociology of Management and Social Technologies of IS RAS. The publication is designed for participants of the cluster movement in the country, and also for employees specializing in the field of applied researches in the sphere of management of a national economy.
Keywords: cluster policy,
innovative-technological cluster,
the concept of innovative industrialization,
social-economic and technological space,
social-organizational zoning,
typology of clusters,
forecast for regions and branches,
interactive complex product,
methods of the «electronic respondent»,
interactive expert poll,
monitoring of realization of cluster policy.
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