The article considers some prerequisites and aspects of the current religious situation in Volgograd Region – the existence of religious denominations and the number of religious organizations functioning in the Region. Historically Volgograd Region has a special geopolitical status, as it borders with Kazakhstan, besides, it is geographically located close to the regions of the North Caucasus. The religious picture of Volgograd Region is represented by 22 denominations, including the most numerous in recent years – the Orthodoxy and Islam. The author presents some results of the sociological research of the religious situation in Volgograd Region in dynamics over the past few years. According to these results, the multi-ethnic population of Volgograd Region is tolerant to different religions. The religious policy in Volgograd Region contributes to the stabilization of spiritual and moral environment, the formation of tolerance, strengthening the foundations of tolerance, mutual understanding of people of different nationalities and faiths.
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