Matrimonial dispositions of youth as an object of sociological analysis
Matrimonial dispositions of young people become the basis for forecasting demographic indicators, and their positive dynamics make it possible to talk about the implementation of the objectives of national demographic policy. Control over the dynamics of matrimonial attitudes and dispositions of young people through a monitoring system would allow us to establish trends and tendencies, identify key factors in their formation and predict their transformation into the results of matrimonial decisions and behavior, and determine their consequences for national policies. The purpose of the article is to analyze the empirical experience of studying matrimonial dispositions of young people and to determine the dynamic trends in their formation. The article presents the results of empirical experience in research on matrimonial dispositions of young people in Russia (2015-2023), as well as data from a study of matrimonial strategies of young people (2023, N = 5881), conducted in the Belgorod region. These studies show wave dynamics in the indicators of matrimonial dispositions, which may be due to a change in generations in research, as well as emphases of national policies that affect the socialization conditions of young people. The risks associated with the gender discrepancy in relation to matrimonial strategies (including reproductive behavior) identified in recent studies, as well as the increased rate of commitment among young people to alternative matrimonial ideologies of celibacy and childfree are outlined.
Shapovalova, I. S. (2024), “Matrimonial dispositions of youth as an object of sociological analysis”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (4), 167-191. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-0-9
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The article was prepared with the financial support of the state task FZWG-2023-0016, the topic «Life strategies of youth in the conditions of geopolitical transformation of the Russian space».