DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-0-7

Interethnic marriages in Khakassia: the problem of mixed origin

The phenomenon of intensive migration has resulted in significant shifts in the national composition of individual countries and regions across the contemporary global landscape. The issue of mixed origins has become increasingly prevalent due to the rise in interethnic marriages and the growing number of individuals born to parents from different nationalities. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the positive aspects of this process and to identify the negative consequences of ethnic mixing or mestizaje. The study was conducted with reference to the example of Khakassia. The empirical basis for this study was a survey of experts (n=10) and people of mixed origin (n=50). Attitudes towards interethnic marriages vary considerably among the region's diverse ethnic groups. The attitude of rural Russians towards mixed marriages is, in general, one of neutrality. However, there are instances where disapproval is expressed. The Khakass people tend to view mixed marriages in a favourable or neutral light. The formation of the ethnic identity of mestizos is primarily influenced by a number of factors, including the national composition of their place of residence, their immediate surroundings, the characteristics of their phenotype, their level of language proficiency, and other factors. The formation of interethnic marriages has a positive effect on the renewal of the gene pool of the titular ethnic group. The latter is conducive to interethnic harmony and the mitigation of contradictions. Mestizos can act as cultural intermediaries between different cultures. Nevertheless, the acceleration of the process of mestization serves to highlight the challenge of preserving the titular ethnic group of the republic, including its language, culture and traditions. The author concludes that the processes of mestizaje in the region are inevitable and irreversible.

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