Typology of matrimonial dispositions of youth as a basis for life choice
Effective matrimonial strategies of youth are the foundation for the implementation of national policy objectives, a condition for the transition to an optimistic scenario of demographic development, and in methodological terms they become the basis for demographic forecasting and the result of the impact of socialization institutions on the value system of youth. The purpose of the article is to determine the potentials and risks of indicators of matrimonial dispositions and strategies of regional youth in relation to regional demography and the development of regional human capital. The article analyzes the results of a 2023 study devoted to the study of life strategies of regional youth. The respondents of the online survey were 5881 young people of the Belgorod region, a quota sample in relation to gender, age, type of settlement and territory of residence of respondents. The analysis is based on data on matrimonial dispositions of young people and life plans in matrimonial strategies. It was determined that agent-based models of social groups have a certain specificity in matrimonial dispositions and life plans, which made it possible to talk about the potentials and risks of matrimonial strategies of young people for national policy and demographic development. An important scientific result is the conclusion that young people belonging to the traditional type of matrimonial dispositions demonstrate more effective, socially significant choices regarding matrimonial plans and other social strategies. Such a result can become a scientific basis for a national idea and national programs.
Blagorozheva, J. O. (2024), “Typology of matrimonial dispositions of youth as a basis for life choice”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (4), 89-110. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-4-0-5
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The article was prepared with the financial support of the state task FZWG-2023-0016, the topic “Life strategies of youth in the conditions of geopolitical transformation of the Russian space”.