One of the most significant achievements of the «anthropological turn» of XIX-XX centuries philosophy, as well as of modern sociology, law and other disciplines is the development of the idea and images of human dignity as a value-ideological foundation of social development, a tool to cope with and manage conflicts in the society. Implicit contradictions of modern concepts of human dignity (undeveloped nature of dignity, mixing up the dignity and the assessment of merits, the primacy of the activity approach, etc.) hinder the implementation of the principle of dignity as a regulator of social practice. We need a new theory of dignity (may call it constructive theory), which is expected to replace the descriptive approach and aims to synthesize the idea and images of human dignity into a single value-rational and emotional complex supported by the mechanism of self-consciousness of the individual and the human community, and by the reflection of dignity.
Keywords: human dignity,
activity approach,
descriptive theory of human dignity,
constructive theory of human dignity,
reflection of dignity.
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