«Russian world» – an ambitious project of the Russian Orthodox Church, designed to answer many global challenges: the loss of social and cultural identity, the erosion of the value of reason, separation of the once common geopolitical space. How feasible is this project? Trying to answer this question, the author in the course of the study involved two main tasks, the first of which is the analysis of the model of the «Russian world», its purpose, structure, and status in the vision of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill. The second task is the detection of the absence of thinking about this idea in the modern Belarus society, the adequacy of its perception of the students. The results of the content analysis and the data of the associative experiment given in the article shows that the Belarussian youth lacks any meaningful representation of the “Russian world” idea and possible prospects of its implementation.
Keywords: state ideology,
national idea,
the political mythology,
historical memory,
the Russian Orthodox Church,
«Russian world».
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