DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-3-1-0

Social adaptation of Chinese students in Russia as a managerial problem

At the present time, there is an increasing need to study modern concepts of adaptation of foreign students in Russia due to the growing number of foreign students in our country. This material is devoted to the reflection of this problem in the works of modern researchers from the point of view of the factors that hinder the increase in the degree of manageability of the adaptation process and the availability of formulated strategies that contribute to the solution of this problem.  In this paper, the principle of metasystematization is used to analyze individual works on this problem, and the above strategies are formulated on the basis of these studies in the context of the strategic approach. The paper concludes that modern studies on the adaptation of Chinese students highlight the language barrier, the degree of cultural fatigue, the lack of motivation to adapt to the temporary environment, as well as the differences between Russian and Chinese students in the attitude to social discipline, reactions to social stimuli and etiquette and ritual forms of social interaction as significant factors of maladaptation. It is pointed out that there are myths that hinder the adaptation process, among which are the established ideas about the Chinese unwillingness to actively interact, inability to communicate in a foreign environment and to adopt new ways of learning and communication. In order to increase the degree of manageability of the adaptation process, the authors, based on the modern studies, propose several interrelated strategies: moral-ethical strategy, team-oriented strategy, image-gamification strategy, pragmatic-oriented strategy, and the strategy of social significance. The application of these strategies is aimed at overcoming the factors of Chinese students' maladaptation in Russian society.

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