Social infrastructure as a factor in designing the social space of a megalopolis
In the modern world, there is an active concentration of the population in megacities. In addition to the growth of the economic component, the importance of social factors and elements of the metropolis is increasing today, which actualizes scientific and practical interest in its social space. This article presents the results of a study of the construction of social space by objects of social infrastructure in a modern metropolis using the example of Moscow. The actor-network theory was used as a theoretical framework, which included material objects in the structure of the social space of the city, which in a certain sense precede social connections and human behavior. The authors of the article proposed a typology of social infrastructure facilities depending on the nature of social interactions. Based on this typology, 125 districts of Moscow were studied according to the level of provision of social infrastructure facilities, as a result, ratings of districts were compiled. To study the role of social infrastructure in the construction of social space, a survey was conducted using the example of three districts of Moscow with different infrastructure provision. As a result, it was found that in the Tverskoy district, as in the most well-provided with social infrastructure, the social space is indeed more constructed than in other municipalities. It was also found that the demand for social infrastructure facilities by residents really affects the design of the social space of the district. In this regard, it was concluded that in order to improve the quality of social interaction in the districts, it is advisable to develop social infrastructure facilities.
Zimova N. S., Sokolova A. M. (2024), “Social infrastructure as a factor in designing the social space of a megalopolis”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (2), 50-67. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-2-0-5
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