The model of public assessment of local authority
Public assessment of authorities is an important part of socio-political processes. It unites the interests of the participants in the development of the local territory. The importance and significance of public assessment is determined by the role in explaining the processes of socio-political interaction, communication, formation and development of social processes. It makes it possible to search for different management solutions and choose the most acceptable, optimal one. In addition, public assessment is important in determining goals, indicators, tasks for the development of social processes and the main resources for their implementation. The joint activity of the population and authorities is necessary to develop optimal, mutually acceptable and coordinated management decisions. Currently, significant barriers are a certain level of randomness of some methods of public assessment of the activities of local authorities, as well as inconsistency between the basis of assessment of local authorities, management principles and their practical implementation. Often, public assessment is not taken into account in decisions made by local authorities, or local communities focus their attention on certain, repeatable ways of interacting with the authorities and ignore the rest. The article concludes that public assessment has the character of feedback from the population to local authorities. This manifests itself as an evaluative reaction to their activities in the form of information, formed and experienced value and activity orientations. It involves the local community in the management system of the local territory through single or repeatable and sustainable practices of their interaction. In the totality of its manifestations, the public assessment of the activities of local authorities defines the local community as a participant and subject of socio-political relations at the local level. The proposed assessment model includes and describes the socio-political interaction of the population and local authorities, which acquires a public character due to the embodiment of public power by the population and the implementation of public participation.
Grigorik, N. N. (2024), “The model of public assessment of local authority”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (2), 35-49. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-2-0-4.
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