Stereotypes of residents of the Moscow region in connection with HIV-infection and their attitudes towards health-saving behavior and spiritual life
This article continues a series of works by the authors team, which are posing problems of informing residents of the Moscow region and migrants about the spread of HIV. The study is aimed at revealing the level of awareness and behavioural patterns of age groups in which new cases of HIV infection are on the rise in the Moscow region. The authors team had the task to consider moral attitudes and related health-saving behaviors in order to take adequate preventive measures in the groups studied. Мethods. The article is based on the data of a study conducted in the form of focus group discussions in June 2022 with the participation of residents of the Moscow region, living in the cities of the region on a permanent basis; a total of 40 respondents aged 30 years and older took part in 4 discussions. Data analysis included: organization of respondents' statements; structuring of text information; highlighting of typical, stereotypical judgements; constructing sustainable judgements about HIV and HIV-positive individuals; correlation of typical, stereotype judgments with ideal health-saving model behaviors; axial coding. Scientific results. The article presents a detailed analysis of stable stereotypes, formed within the studied groups, in connection with the concepts of HIV infection distribution, the characteristics of the disease, the course of treatment, the legal aspects and characteristics of moral principles, HIV-positive behaviour and attitudes. Сonclusions. The study revealed a number of characteristics inherent in the groups studied, such as low levels of awareness and use of unverified cases of disease, conscious underestimation of the possible risk of HIV infection, and knowledge substitution of the HIV status as a partner in terms of social status, lifestyle and moral principles. The awkward feelings of youth socialization that prevent you from expressing your distrust of your partner and offering to use condoms or to get HIV tested together.
Pronin, A. Yu., Zhukova, E. V., Shilova, V. A. (2024), “Stereotypes of residents of the Moscow region in connection with HIV-infection and their attitudes towards health-saving behavior and spiritual life”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (1), 100-120. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-1-0-8
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