Ethno-confessional identification of a religious minority (on the example of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Russia)
Based on different theoretical and methodological approaches and online survey data, the article, analyzes the process of ethno-confessional identification of members of the Seventh-day Christian Adventist Church of Russia (SDACR). This Church, like other Protestant organizations, is among the religious minorities in Russian society, but its adherents are predominantly Russians, i.e. members of the ethnic majority. This introduces specific features into the self-determination of its members in terms of religious and ethnic affiliation and requires adjustments to the methods of Western sociologists used to study religious minorities. The basic variables in the online survey were gender, age, duration of Church membership, marital status, level of education, and occupation. Adventists living in metropolitan cities (Moscow and Saint Petersburg) and 20 subjects of the Central, Volga, Northwestern, Southern, North Caucasus and Siberian federal districts took part in the survey. This made it possible to identify some territorial trends. Much attention is paid to the role of the social service of the SDACR in the ethno-confessional identification of its members, since this religious organization pays considerable attention to this area of social activity and was the first in the world among the Seventh-day Adventist Churches to develop and accept for implementation its social teaching. Secondary analysis of empirical data allowed us to make a number of comparisons in identification processes among Orthodox, Muslims and Adventists.
Belova, T. P. (2024), “Ethno-confessional identification of a religious minority (on the example of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of Russia)”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (1), 84-99. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-1-0-7
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