Reflection of religion by modern Russian youth: towards the formulation of secondary hypotheses
(based on the materials of an interregional study)
The article is devoted to the study of a relatively little-studied component of the modern religious situation in terms of public consciousness – reflection of religion. The object of the study is Russian regional youth. On the basis of a quantitative study on an interregional sample (6 regions of 3 Federal Districts, N=580) the main cognitive, evaluative-emotional and practical-behavioural characteristics of young residents of Russian regions were revealed to a first approximation. Young people's ideas about religion were determined, for the most part, by an abstract functional cognitive frame that describes it as a purely macrosocial cultural phenomenon, without placing emphasis on the supernatural. A relatively small part of the youth contingent (10-20%) interprets religion in the key of “spirituality”, as a personal search for oneself, like-minded people and the main meanings of one’s own existence. In the evaluative-emotional plan, a neutral background predominates (about 1/2) with a noticeable positive tendency (up to 40%). In practical terms, the overwhelming majority of young residents of Russian regions (about 90%) present themselves in relation to religion reflexively, either completely distancing themselves from religious norms and rules of behavior, or accepting them selectively in the context of moral and ethical orientations.
Lebedev, S. D. (2024), “Reflection of religion by modern Russian youth: towards the formulation of secondary hypotheses (based on the materials of an interregional study)”, Research Result. Sociology and Management, 10 (1), 28-39. DOI: 10.18413/2408-9338-2024-10-1-0-3
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